Friday, October 21, 2011

Michael Pisaro & Greg Stuart on Broken Music, 10/23

This Sunday, composer/guitarist Michael Pisaro and percussionist Greg Stuart will be performing on my radio show Broken Music. They will be playing the Beckett pieces (8a – 8e) from Pisaro's Harmony Series and discussing a bit in between. The show airs Sunday, October 23, from 2 - 3pm EST on and at 89.3 FM for those in the Chapel Hill, NC area.


  1. any chance you have a recording of this show? i tried to find an archived version on the site but couldn't tack one down- perhaps im just a doofus though -thanks!

  2. The show was recorded, just waiting on a friend to do a transfer from the minidisc. No need to disparage your good name--WXYC doesn't publicly archive their shows.
